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Drug Uses

Nizoral is an antifungal agent used for the treatment of local and systemic fungal infections in children and adults. Indications for Nizoral use depend on the dosage form of Nizoral. Buy Nizoral For Sale Online No Prescription , Order Nizoral Online UK

Topical Nizoral (cream, shampoo) is used to treat severe seborrhoeic eczema (seborrhoeic dermatitis) and severe tinea versicolor (pityriasis capitis, pityriasis versicolor) in patients aged 12 and older. In frequent relapses of seborrhea and (or) tinea versicolor, topical Nizoral can be used to prevent fungal scalp infections. High Quality Nizoral Online No Prescription

Oral Nizoral (tablets) is used to treat South American blastomycosis, valley fever, chromoblastomycosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycetic dermatitis and other systemic fungal diseases in children older than 2 years and adults. Buy Nizoral Online No Prescription , Order Nizoral Online UK

High doses of Nizoral (1200 mg) are effective in treating Cushing’s syndrome, but not approved for the treatment of this endocrine disorder, and can be administered to the patients with Cushing’s syndrome only as “off-label”.